Sheriff's Citizens Academy

The Georgetown County Sheriff's Office believes it is crucial to inform the community of our responsibilities as a law enforcement agency. It is also a goal of our agency to motivate citizens to have more strength in their neighborhoods. During the four weeks of the Sheriff's Citizen Academy, we'll share hands-on learning about patrol, criminal law, the K-9 unit, forensics, investigations, victims' advocate services, the vice and narcotics units and so much more!
One of the most important resources of our agency is community involvement. It is the goal of the Sheriff to partner with all communities to identify problems, develop solutions and reduce crime. This academy will help us reach this goal, will help our office provide effective and efficient services to all citizens of Georgetown County and will make our neighborhoods a safer place to live.
Requirements for participation in the Sheriff's Citizen Academy:
- Must be a resident of Georgetown County.
- Must be at least 18-years-old.
- Must have a valid Driver's License
- Must fill out an application.
- Must undergo a background investigation and a criminal history check.
For more information on the citizens academy including the next available class please
contact: Georgetown County Sheriff at (843) 546-5102
Directions for Application:
Please open the Adobe format of the application and print. Once you have completed the application, you can email it to or hand deliver it to the Georgetown County Sheriff's Office, 430 N Fraser Street Georgetown, SC 29440.