Operations Unit
The Georgetown County Sheriff's Office Operations Unit is responsible for coordinating the operations of the Sheriff's Office as directed by the Sheriff and the GCSO Policy Manual. The unit manages the purchasing and maintenance of equipment, supplies, and the sheriff’s fleet vehicles.

Training Unit
The Georgetown County Sheriff's Office Training Unit is responsible for coordinating the training of the Sheriff's Office personnel as directed by the Sheriff, the Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office Policy Manual and the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. The Training Unit manages the initial training of deputies before attending the Criminal Justice Academy, field training and annual training of the sheriff’s office staff.
Professional Standards Unit
The Georgetown County Sheriff's Office Professional Standards Unit is responsible for administering the Policy and Procedure Manual to hold the maintain the trust of the public, comply with all local, state and federal laws and maintain being a South Carolina State Accredited Agency.
Inspectors with the Professional Standards Unit and Sheriff’s Office Command Staff Investigate complaints against GCSO Personnel and conduct internal affairs investigations to ensure the integrity of the Sheriff’s Office
The Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office Professional Standards Unit may be contacted at (843) 546-5102.

Victims Services Unit
The Victim's Service Unit manages the GCSO Victim's Assistance Program which assists victims of crime through the criminal justice process. The victim's advocates assist victims in obtaining county and state services which may be available to them as victims of crime. They also notify victims of court proceedings, offenders being released on bond from the Detention Center and other events associated with their case.
Computer Services Unit
The Computer Services Unit is responsible to keep the computers operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All incident reports are done on the GCSO computer network. Each month the Sheriff's Office transmits reports on activity to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.