Freedom Information Act
Freedom of Information Act Request Form
The Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office will be glad to assist you with your request for copies of public records such as incident reports, investigative notes, dash cam videos, 911 calls, CAD sheets, etc. of any incident which is NOT a pending court case.
The steps listed below are intended to inform you of the process and provide instructions for your request. However, at any time the information contained in this document and the listed fees may change.
A) Please put your request in writing with your return address printed on the
B) You must state in your letter, through the “Freedom of Information Act” you are
requesting a “public record.” [Please be as specific as possible providing victim
information, suspect information, date, time, or address of incident/call to aid in the
search for the document/recordings, etc.].
C) Please provide a telephone number where you may be reached for questions or
additional information.
D) Address your letter to:
Brenda Brantley
Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 1292
Georgetown, SC 29442
E) Excluding weekends and holidays, you will receive a reply to your request within fifteen
(10) business days.
F) In the search for information and copies, fees may apply. Charges will not exceed the
actual cost of searching for and making copies. The fees are $20.00 per hour + $0.35
per page + $5.00 per DVD + postage.
G) Questions: Contact Brenda Brantley (843) 436-6062.
**BODY-WORN CAMERA NOTE: According to S.C. Code 23-1-240(G): Data recorded by a body-worn camera is not a public record subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. If you wish to obtain this recording, you will need to refer to the South Carolina Rules of Criminal Court.